Powerful Recipe That Will Cleanse Your Lungs in 3 days, Especially If You are a Smoker!

Powerful Recipe That Will Cleanse Your Lungs in 3 days, Especially If You are a Smoker: Everyone knows that smoking is a horrible addiction and even after knowing the side effects people struggle in quitting to smoke. Usually people start having persistent cough and may even develop bronchitis after a while.

You may not observe any symptoms of illness in the beginning but they deficiently appear after many years of continuous smoking.

And for some, they might have stopped smoking but the lungs still get polluted with tar.

The population itself today affects our lungs badly; lungs get layered with tar within few years of excessive smoking. Even for those you have just started smoking, can have tar in their lungs.

This further leads to various ailments such as pain in the chest and cancer of mouth, throat and lungs.

This makes it extremely vital to clean the lungs so that you can reduce the risk of these diseases and improve overall health of your respiratory system.

The best advice is to quit smoking anyhow as could live longer and healthier but people who find it difficult to do so even after knowing the health hazard can find some useful tips in this article.

To clear the lungs from toxins and dangerous tar, you can start eating certain type of foods that can assist in clearing this blockage and protect your lungs.

If you live in a polluted environment or smoke a lot, then add these nourishments in your lifestyle which are easily found in your kitchen.

Here are some best lung cleansing elixirs:

1. Ginger, Onion, Honey and Turmeric Elixir:

This is the easiest elixir to make with all the common ingredients that you can find on your kitchen countertop.

This remedy will cleanse your lungs and remove the tar over a period of time as ginger will remove the mucous in the lungs and can eliminate the toxins in the respiratory tract.

Onion will prevent respiratory issues and help fight cancer. The powerful spice; turmeric which has omega-3 fatty acids and minerals will keep bacteria and viruses at bay.


  • 1 inch of ginger root
  • 400gm of honey
  • 1 litre water
  • 1 kg onion
  • One tablespoon turmeric


  • Take a pan and add water in it.
  • Set it to boil and add the honey
  • Now grate the ginger and chop the onions to small pieces
  • Add both ginger and onion to the boiling water
  • Add the turmeric and boil until the mixture comes to half
  • Let it cool down and strain it. Then you can refrigerate it
  • Use this remedy before your meals twice a day.

You can take two table spoons of this liquid before breakfast and lunch to see good results.

2. Watercress and Dates Elixir:

Watercress is known popularly for its incredible properties of cleaning and purifying the lungs of all the toxins.


  • 1 kg of flower and stem of watercress
  • 2 cups of dates
  • 1 litre of water


  • Take a pan and put all ingredients together to boil.
  • After a while once the water starts boiling, reduce the flame and cook for a couple of hours on low flame.
  • Once done, you can drink this mixture as soup.

For people who smoke a lot, this soup will be an excellent remedy if consumed 3-4 times in a month.

Make sure to put all the ingredients in the write quantity and to cook this soup for at least 3 hours for it to get nourishing.

3. Mullein Tea:

Mullein tea can clear the blockage and tar in the lungs if consumed regularly.


  • Dried leaves and flowers of mullein
  • Water
  • Honey (optional)


  • Take a pan and put water to boil
  • Once the water has boiled, switch off the flame and add dried mullein flowers and leaves
  • Let it steep for 15 minutes
  • Strain, add honey for taste and relish the drink

These three easy to make elixirs will do wonder for your lung’s health. Additionally, you can also use the following foods to cleanse, detoxify and keep the lungs healthy.In a glass of warm water, add one tablespoon of lemon juice and drink it before breakfast every day.

  • In a glass of warm water, add one tablespoon of lemon juice and drink it before breakfast every day.
  • Drink a cup of your favourite herbal tea before sleeping to get rid of all the toxins in the lungs. Avoid any kind of dairy products when you are trying to detoxify your lungs.
  • Eat apple, every day as they are loaded with many nutrients and anti-oxidants which will contribute to a healthy respiratory system.
  • Start eating cruciferous vegetables as they act as detoxifiers and help in filtering the blood to flush out the toxins. They are rich in vitamin C which will strengthen the immune system as well. You can eat veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower etc.
  • Black berries, blueberries and raspberries are highly abundant in anti-oxidants which can reduce the blockage in the lungs
  • Drink a lot of carrot juice in between your meals so that your body can be alkalised for detoxified lungs
  • Chew on few a peppermint leaves every day in order to get rid of bacteria in the lungs
  • Include cayenne pepper in your food; you can sprinkle a little pepper on your salads. It can help people who are suffering from bronchial congestion
  • Include cayenne pepper in your food; you can sprinkle a little pepper on your salads. It can help people who are suffering from bronchial congestion

Recovering from the side effects of smoking and heavy pollution is quite possible if the right steps are taken at the right time.

There are many food stuffs that can help you in clearing the accumulated tar in your lungs and detoxify them.

It is very important to keep a diet which is full of minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants to boost the immunity and withstand the harmful effects of smoking.

Try the elixirs mentioned in this post today for a healthier tomorrow. We will still insist to quit smoking permanently because it’s never too late to get rid of this lethal habit!

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